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Gosigerfest 2021

Dayton, Ohio

Gosigerfest 2021 is the „go-to“ event which one can’t miss. This year’s event is the eight biennial gathering of manufacturing and CNC decision-makers, vendors, and users. It is held in Dayton, Ohio at Gosiger headquarters 22-23 September 2021.

Gosigerfest offers excellent opportunities to learn about how to grow your businesses: networking with other leaders, hearing about best practices, and getting to know with different technologies – along with tasty German beer and food. Don’t miss this!

Fastems LLC is participating as an exhibitor to Gosigerfest 2021. Come meet and „Prost!“ with us at the regions‘ leading CNC technology event.

Read more and register!


Gosigerfest 2021 - register

Gosigerfest 2021 – register


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Give us a call or send an email.

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President, Fastems USA, LLC

David Suica

+1 513 633-3784

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